Dear customer, our new arrival Allen Bradley 1734-AENT Network Adapter, POINT I/O, EtherNet/IP, 63 Module for your reference. We have many 1734 POINT I/O moduels in stock all products with good production time.
Allen Bradley 1734-AENT Network Adapter, POINT I/O, EtherNet/IP, 63 Module product description:
1734 POINT I/O
Selected Components
Description: 1-Port EtherNet I/O Adapter Module
Allen Bradley 1734-AENT Network Adapter, POINT I/O, EtherNet/IP, 63 Module real product picture.

1734 POINT I/O™ modules offer digital, analog, and specialty I/O, as well as POINT Guard safety-rated I/O, with one to eight points per module. You can mix standard and safety I/O in the same system. Comprehensive diagnostics and configurable features make POINT I/O easy to apply.
1734-232ASC Point I/O RS232 ASCII Interface
1734-485ASC RS485/422 ASCII Interface
1734-485ASCK RS485/422 ASCII Interface - Conformal Coated
1734-8CFG POINT I/O Module with 8 Configurable 24V DC Points
1734-8CFGDLX POINT I/O Module with 8 Configurable 24V DC Points with DeviceLogix
1734-ACNR 24V Dc Controlnet Adapter
1734-ACNRK 24V Dc Controlnet Adapter- Conformally Coated
1734-ADN 24V Dc Devicenet Adapter
1734-ADNX 24V Dc Devicenet Adapter With Subnet Expansion
1734-AENT 1-Port EtherNet I/O Adapter Module
1734-AENTK EtherNet/IP Twisted Pair Media I/O Adapter - Conformal Coated
1734-AENTR 2-Port EtherNet I/O Adapter Module
1734-AENTRK 2-Port EtherNet/IP I/O Adapter Module - Conformally Coated
1734-APB Point Profibus W/24Vdc Ps
1734-ARM Address Reserve Module
1734-ARMK Address Reserve Module - Conformal caoted
1734-CTM Common Terminal Module. Single-slot 12 mm wide Common Terminal Modules
1734-EP24DC 24V DC Power/Bus Extension Module
1734-EP24DCK 24V DC Power/Bus Extension Module - Conformally Coated
1734-EPAC 120V AC Power/Bus Extension Module
1734-EPACK 120V AC Power/Bus Extension Module - Conformally Coated
1734-FPD Field Potential Distributor
1734-FPDK Field Potential Distributor - Conformally Coated
1734-IA2 120 Vac 2 Channel Input Module
1734-IA4 120 Vac 4 Channel Input Module
1734-IA4K 120 Vac 4 Channel Input Module - Conformally Coated
1734-IB2 24V Dc 2 Channel Sink Input Module
1734-IB4 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Input Module
1734-IB4K 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Input Module - Conformal coated
1734-IB4D 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Diagnostics Input Module
1734-IB8 24V Dc 8 Channel Sink Input Module
1734-IB8K 24V Dc 8 Channel Sink Input Module - Conformal Coated
1734-IB8S POINT Guard I/O Safety Module - 8 Point Input Module (Compatible with terminal bases with 8 terminations)
1734-IB8SK POINT Guard I/O Safety Module - 8 Point Input Module (Compatible with terminal bases with 8 terminations) - Conformal Coated
1734-IE2C 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Current Input Module
1734-IE2CK 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Current Input Module - Conformal coated
1734-IE2V 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Voltage Input Module
1734-IE2VK 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Voltage Input Module - Conformal coated
1734-IE4C 24V Dc 4 Channel High Density Analog Current Input Module
1734-IE4CK 24V Dc 4 Channel High Density Analog Current Input Module - Conformal coated
1734-IE4S POINT Guard I/O Safety Module - 4 Safety Analog Input Module (Compatible with terminal bases with 12 terminations)
1734-IE4SK POINT Guard I/O Safety Module - 4 Safety Analog Input Module (Compatible with terminal bases with 12 terminations) - Conformal coated
1734-IE8C 24V Dc 8 Channel High Density Analog Current Input Module
1734-IE8CK 24V Dc 8 Channel High Density Analog Current Input Module - Conformal coated
1734-IJ 5 Vdc Incremental Encoder Module
1734-IK 24 Vdc Incremental Encoder Module
1734-IKK 24 Vdc Incremental Encoder Module - Conformal Coated
1734-IM2 230 Vac 2 Channel Input Module
1734-IM4 230 Vac 4 Channel Input Module
1734-IR2 24V Dc 2 Channel RTD Input Module
1734-IR2K 24V Dc 2 Channel RTD Input Module - Conformally Coated
1734-IR2E 24V Dc 2 Channel RTD Input Module
1734-IT2I 24V Dc 2 Channel Thermocouple Input Module
1734-IT2IK 24V Dc 2 Channel Thermocouple Input Module - Conformal Coated
1734-IV2 24V Dc 2 Channel Source Input Module
1734-IV4 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Input Module
1734-IV8 24V Dc 8 Channel Source Input Module
1734-IV8K 24V Dc 8 Channel Source Input Module - Conformal coated
1734-OA2 120/230 Vac 2 Channel Output Module
1734-OA4 120/230 Vac 4 Channel Output Module
1734-OA4K 120/230 Vac 4 Channel Output Module - Conformally Coated
1734-OB2 24V Dc 2 Channel Source Output Module
1734-OB2E 24V Dc 2 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OB2EP 24V Dc 2 Amp 2 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OB4 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Output Module
1734-OB4K 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Output Module - Conformal coated
1734-OB4E 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OB8 24V Dc8 Channel Source Output Module
1734-OB8K 24V Dc8 Channel Source Output Module - Conformal Coated
1734-OB8E 24V Dc8 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OB8EK 24V Dc8 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected - Conformal Coated
1734-OB8S POINT Guard I/O Safety Module - 8 Safety Sourcing Output Module (Compatible with terminal bases with 8 terminations)
1734-OB8SK POINT Guard I/O Safety Module - 8 Safety Sourcing Output Module (Compatible with terminal bases with 8 terminations) - Conformal Coated
1734-OBV2S POINT Guard I/O Safety Digital Output Module
1734-OBV2SK POINT Guard I/O Safety Digital Output Module - Conformal coated
1734-OE2C 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Current Output Module
1734-OE2CK 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Current Output Module - Conformal coated
1734-OE2V 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Voltage Output Module
1734-OE2VK 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Voltage Output Module - Conformal coated
1734-OE4C 24V Dc 4 Points Analog Current Output Module
1734-OE4CK 24V Dc 4 Points Analog Current Output Module - Conformal coated
1734-OV2E 24V Dc 2 Channel Sink Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OV4E 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OV8E 24V Dc 8 Channel Sink Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OV8EK 24V Dc 8 Channel Sink Output Module, Electronically Protected - Conformal coated
1734-OW2 24V DC 2 Point N.O. SPST Relay Output Module
1734-OW4 24V DC 4 Point N.O. SPST Relay Output Module
1734-OW4K 24V Dc Coil N.O. Dpst 4 Relay Module - Conformal Coated
1734-OX2 24V DC 2 Point N.O/N.C. Dpst Relay Output Module
1734-PDN Devicenet Interface Module
1734-PDNK Devicenet Interface Module- Conformally Coated
1734-RTB Replacement IEC Screw Terminal Block
1734-RTB3 Replacement 12 Position IP20 Screw Terminal Block
1734-RTB3S Replacement 12 Position IP20 Spring Terminal Block
1734-RTBCJC Repl Screw Term Blk CJC Repl Screw Term Blk CJC
1734-RTBS Replacement IEC Spring Terminal Block
1734-SSI SSI Absolute Encoder Interface
1734-SSIK SSI Absolute Encoder Interface - Conformal Coated
1734-TB Module Bases W/ Removable IEC Screw Terminals
1734-TB3 12-Position IP20 Screw Terminal Bases (Qty 10)
1734-TB3S 12-Position IP20 Spring Ternimal Bases (Qty 10)
1734-TBCJC Screw Terminal Base CJC Spring Terminal Base CJC
1734-TBS Module Bases W/ Removable IEC Spring Terminals
1734-TOP POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Screw Clamp, 8 Terminations
1734-TOP3 POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Screw Clamp, 12 Terminations
1734-TOP3S POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Spring Clamp, 12 Terminations
1734-TOPS POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Spring Clamp, 8 Terminations
1734-VHSC24 24 Vdc Very High Speed Counter With Source Outputs
1734-VHSC24K 24 Vdc Very High Speed Counter With Source Outputs - Conformal Coated
1734-VHSC5 5 Vdc Very High Speed Counter With Source Outputs
1734-CTMK Common Terminal Module. Single-slot 12 mm wide Common Terminal Modules - Conformal coated
1734-VTM Voltage Terminal Module. Single-slot 12 mm wide Voltage Terminal Modules
1734-VTMK Voltage Terminal Module. Single-slot 12 mm wide Voltage Terminal Modules - Conformal coated
1734-4IOL POINT 4 Channel IO-Link Master Module
1734-4IOLK POINT 4 Channel IO-Link Master Module - Conformal Coated