In stock Allen Bradley 1756-OF8 ControlLogix 8 Pt A/O I or V Module with good production time.
Allen Bradley 1756-OF8 module product description:
Description: 1756 ControlLogix/GuardLogix System
Analog Output - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin)

More product models for 1756 ControlLogix/GuardLogix System.
1756-A1010 Slot ControlLogix Chassis
1756-A10KConformally coated 1756 Chassis 10 slots
1756-A10XT10 Slot ControlLogix Chassis, Logix XT, Temperature Range 25-70 °C (-13-158 °F)
1756-A1313 Slot ControlLogix Chassis
1756-A13KConformally coated 1756 Chassis 13 slots
1756-A1717 Slot ControlLogix Chassis
1756-A17KConformally coated 1756 Chassis 17 slots
1756-A44 Slot ControlLogix Chassis
1756-A4KConformally Coated 1756 Chassis 4 slots
1756-A77 Slot ControlLogix Chassis
1756-A7KConformally coated 1756 Chassis 7 slots
1756-A7XT7 Slot ControlLogix Chassis, Logix XT, Temperature Range 25-70 °C (-13-158 °F)
1756-BA1Lithium Battery (for use with Series A 1756-L6x Controllers)
1756-BA2Lithium Battery (for use with Series B 1756-L6x Controllers)
1756-BATAReplacement Battery Assembly For 1756-BATM
1756-BATMExternally Mounted Battery Assembly
1756-CFM2 Channel/2 Out Configurable Flowmeter (20Pin)
1756-CMS1B11756 Compute Module, Intel Atom Dual Core CPU, 32 GB of Solid State Storage, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 64 bit OS
1756-CMS1C11756 Compute Module, Intel Atom Dual Core CPU, 32 GB of Solid State Storage, Linux 32 bit OS
1756-CN2ControlNet Interface Module (100 connections)
1756-CN2RControlNet Redundant Interface Module (100 connections)
1756-CN2RXTControlNet Redundant Interface Module (100 connections), Logix XT
1756-CNBControlNet Bridge Module (40-48 connections)
1756-CNBRControlNet Redundant Bridge Module (40-48 connections)
1756-CNBRKControlNet Redundant Bridge Module (40-48 connections) - Conformally Coated
1756-CP3Logix5000 RS232 Programmer Cable
1756-CPR2Redundant Power Supply Cable
1756-DHRIODH+/RIO Bridge/Scanner Module
1756-DHRIOXTDH+/RIO Bridge/Scanner Module, Logix XT
1756-DNBDeviceNet Bridge/Scanner Module
1756-EN2FEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M LC2 multi-mode fiber, 128 TCP connections
1756-EN2FKEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M LC2 multi-mode fiber, 128 TCP connections, conformally coated
1756-EN2TEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections
1756-EN2TPEtherNet/IP communication module, PRP dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections
1756-EN2TPKEtherNet/IP communication module, PRP dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, conformally coated
1756-EN2TPXTEtherNet/IP communication module, PRP dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, extreme environment
1756-EN2TKEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, conformally coated
1756-EN2TREtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections
1756-EN2TRKEtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, conformally coated
1756-EN2TRXTEtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, extreme environment
1756-EN2TSCEtherNet 10-100M Secure Interface Module (supports 128 TCP/IP connections)
1756-EN2TXTEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, extreme environment
1756-EN3TREtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, 128 axes
1756-EN3TRKEtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10/100M twisted pair, 128 TCP connections, 128 axes, conformally coated
1756-EN4TREtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10M/100M/1G twisted pair, 512 TCP connections, 256 axes
1756-EN4TRKEtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10M/100M/1G twisted pair, 512 TCP connections, 256 axes, conformally coated
1756-EN4TRXTEtherNet/IP communication module, dual port, 10M/100M/1G twisted pair, 512 TCP connections, 256 axes, extreme environment
1756-ENBTEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M twisted pair, 64 TCP connections
1756-ENBTKEtherNet/IP communication module, 10/100M twisted pair, 64 TCP connections, conformally coated
1756-ESMCAPControlLogix Energy Storage Module-Capacitor
1756-ESMNSEControlLogix XT Energy Storage Module-No Stored Energy
1756-EWEBEthernet/IP Enhanced Web Server Module (supports 64 TCP/IP connections)
1756-HIST2GFactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition, 2GB
1756-HSC2 Channel / 4 Output High Speed Counter (36 Pin)
1756-HYD022 Channel LDT Hydraulics Module (36 Pin)
1756-HYD02K2 Channel LDT Hydraulics Module(36 Pin)- Conformally Coated
1756-IA1679-132 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IA16I79-132 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IA16IK79-132 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IA16K79-132 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IA3274-132 VAC Input 32 Pts (36P)
1756-IA8D79-132 VAC Diagnostic Input 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IB1610-31 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IB16D10-30 VDC Diagnostic Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16DK10-30 VDC Diagnostic Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IB16S10-30 VDC Safety Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16SK10-30 VDC Safety Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IB16I10-30 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16IK10-30 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IB16IF10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16IFK10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IB16ISOE10-30 VDC Individually Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16K10-31 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IB3210-31 VDC Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB32K10-31 VDC Input 32 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IC1630-60 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IF16Analog Input - Current/Voltage 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IF16IHIsolated Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART
1756-IF16IHKIsolated Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART -Conformally Coated
1756-IF16HAnalog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART
1756-IF16HKAnalog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART -Conformally Coated
1756-IF4FXOF2FFast Analog 4 Cur-Volt In/2 Cur-Volt Out 36 Pin)
1756-IF4FXOF2FKFast Analog 4 Cur-Volt In/2 Cur-Volt Out (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IF8Analog Input - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IF8HAnalog Differential Input HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IF8HKAnalog Differential Input HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IF8IAnalog Input Module, 8 Isolated Points, Current, Current Sourcing and Voltage (36 Pin)
1756-IF8IHIsolated Analog Input Module - 8-Channel HART
1756-IF8IKAnalog Input Module, 8 Isolated Points, Current, Current Sourcing and Voltage (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IF8KAnalog Input - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IG160-5 VDC TTL Input (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IG16K0-5 VDC TTL Input (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IH16I90-146 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IH16IK90-146 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IH16ISOE125 VDC Isolated Sequence of Event Input 16Pt (36 Pin)
1756-IM16I159-265 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IM16IK159-265 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IN1610-30 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IN16K10-30 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-IR12KControlLogix Temperature Input Module, 12 Point, RTD, Resistance,Temperature Detector Measurement, non-Isolated Inputs - Conformally Coated
1756-IV1610-30 VDC Sourcing Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IV3210-30 VDC Sourcing Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-L60M03SELogix5560M03SE With SERCOS 3-Axis 750Kbytes Memory
1756-L71ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 2 MB Memory, USB Port, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L71KControlLogix 5571 Controller With 2 Mbytes Memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L71SGuardLogix Integrated Safety PAC with 2M standard memory & 1M safety memory.
1756-L71SKGuardLogix Integrated Safety PAC with 2M standard memory & 1M safety memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L72ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 4 MB Memory, USB Port, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L72KControlLogix 5572 Controller With 4 Mbytes Memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L72SGuardLogix Integrated Safety PAC with 4M standard memory & 2M safety memory.
1756-L72SKGuardLogix Integrated Safety PAC with 4M standard memory & 2M safety memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L73ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 8 MB Memory, USB Port, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L73KControlLogix 5573 Controller With 8 Mbytes Memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L73SGuardLogix Integrated Safety PAC with 8M standard memory & 4M safety memory.
1756-L73SKGuardLogix Integrated Safety PAC with 8M standard memory & 4M safety memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L73SXTGuardLogix Extended Environmental Integrated Safety controller with 8M standard memory & 4M safety memory.
1756-L73XTControlLogix 5570, Extended Envirnomental Controller with 8 MB Memory, USB Port, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L74ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 16 MB Memory, USB Port, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L74KControlLogix 5574 Controller With 16 Mbytes Memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L75ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 32 MB Memory, USB Port, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L75KControlLogix 5575 Controller With 32 Mbytes Memory - Conformally Coated
1756-L7SPGuardLogix Safety Partner Controller
1756-L7SPKGuardLogix Safety Partner Controller - Conformally Coated
1756-L81EControlLogix 5580 Controller with 3 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 100 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L81EPControlLogix 5580E Process Controller with 3 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 100 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L81EKControlLogix 5580 Controller with 3 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1GB Ethernet port, 60 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformally Coated
1756-L81ESGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 3MB Standard Memory & 1.5MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 100 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display
1756-L81ESKGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 3MB Standard Memory & 1.5MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 100 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformaly Coated
1756-L81E-NSEControlLogix 5580, No Stored Energy (NSE) Controller with 3 MB User Memory, 100 EtherNet/IP Devices, Conformally Coated
1756-L82EControlLogix 5580 Controller with 5 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 175 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L82EKControlLogix 5580 Controller with 5 MB User Memory,USB Port,1GB Ethernet port, 80 EtherNet/IP Devices,4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformally Coated
1756-L82ESGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 5MB Standard Memory & 2.5MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 175 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display
1756-L82ESKGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 5MB Standard Memory & 2.5MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 175 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformaly Coated
1756-L82E-NSEControlLogix 5580, No Stored Energy (NSE) Controller with 5 MB User Memory, 175 EtherNet/IP Devices, Conformally Coated
1756-L83EControlLogix 5580 Controller with 10 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L83EPControlLogix 5580E Process Controller with 10 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L83EKControlLogix 5580 Controller with 10 MB User Memory,USB Port,1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 100 EtherNet/IP Devices,4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformally Coated
1756-L83ESGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 10MB Standard Memory & 5MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display
1756-L83ESKGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 10MB Standard Memory & 5MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformaly Coated
1756-L83E-NSEControlLogix 5580, No Stored Energy (NSE) Controller with 10 MB User Memory, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, Conformally Coated
1756-L84EControlLogix 5580 Controller with 20 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L84EKControlLogix 5580 Controller with 20 MB User Memory,USB Port,1GB Ethernet port, 150 EtherNet/IP Devices,4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformally Coated
1756-L84ESGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 20MB Standard Memory & 6MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display
1756-L84ESKGuardLogix5580, Safety Controller with 20MB Standard Memory & 6MB Safety Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformaly Coated
1756-L84E-NSEControlLogix 5580, No Stored Energy (NSE) Controller with 20 MB User Memory, 250 EtherNet/IP Devices, Conformally Coated
1756-L85EControlLogix 5580 Controller with 40 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 300 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L85EPControlLogix 5580E Process Controller with 40 MB User Memory, USB Port, 1 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet port, 300 EtherNet/IP Devices, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display.
1756-L85EKControlLogix 5580 Controller with 40 MB User Memory,USB Port,1 gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet port, 300 EtherNet/IP Devices,4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display - Conformally Coated
1756-L85E-NSEControlLogix 5580, No Stored Energy (NSE) Controller with 40 MB User Memory, 300+ EtherNet/IP Devices, Conformally Coated
1756-LSC8XIB8I10-30 VDC Counters at 40 KHz, 8 Counters / 8 Isolated Inputs, Peer to Peer Input (36 Pin)
1756-L8SPGuardLogix 5580, Safety Partner Controller
1756-L8SPKGuardLogix 5580, Safety Partner Controller - Conformally Coated
1756-M02AE2-Axis Servo, Analog/ENC-LCP
1756-M02AEK2 Axix Servo, Analog/ENC-LCP- Conformally Coated
1756-M02AS2 Axis Analog/SSI Servo Module
1756-M02ASK2 Axis nalog/SSI Servo Module- Conformally Coated
1756-M03SE3 Axis SERCOS Interface Servo Module
1756-M03SEK3 Axis SERCOS Interface Servo Module- Conformally Coated
1756-M08SE8 Axis SERCOS Servo Module
1756-M08SEK8 Axis SERCOS Servo Module- Conformally Coated
1756-M08SEG8 Axis SERCOS interface module Extended Pack Profile compliant
1756-M08SEGK8 Axis SERCOS Servo Module- Conformally Coated
1756-M12Logix5555 750K Memory Module
1756-M13Logix5555 1.5Mbyte Memory Module
1756-M14Logix5555 3.5Mbyte Memory Module
1756-M16Logix5555 7.5Mbyte Memory Module
1756-M16SE16 Axis SERCOS Servo Module
1756-M16SEK16 Axis SERCOS Servo Module- Conformally Coated
1756-M22Logix5555 750K Nv Memory Module
1756-M23Logix5555 1.5Mbyte Nonvolatile Memory
1756-M24Logix5555 3.5Mbyte Nonvolatile Memory
1756-N2Slot Filler module for standard ControlLogix chassis
1756-OA1674-265 VAC Output 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA16I74-265 VAC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OA16IK74-265 VAC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-OA16K74-265 VAC Output 16 Pts (20 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-OA874-265 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA8D74-132 VAC Diagnostic Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA8E74-132 VAC Elec Fused 2A Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA8EK74-132 VAC Elec Fused 2A Output 8 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OB16D19-30 VDC Diagnostic Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16DK19-30 VDC Diagnostic Output 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-OB16E10-31 VDC Electronically Fused Output 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OB16EK10-31 VDC Electronically Fused Output 16 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OB16I10-30 VDC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16IK10-30 VDC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OB16IEF10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Output with PWM 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16IEFK10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Output with PWM 16 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OB16IEFS10-30 VDC Scheduled, Electronically-Protected, Sinking Sourcing, Isolated, Fast Output Module
1756-OB16IEFSK10-30 VDC Scheduled, Electronically-Protected, Sinking Sourcing, Isolated, Fast Output Module - Conformally Coated
1756-OB16IS10-30 VDC Isolated Output Cam 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB3210-31 VDC Output 32 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB32KConformally coated 10-31 VDC output 32 pts(36 Pin)
1756-OB810-30 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OBV8S10-30 VDC Safety Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OBV8SK10-30 VDC Safety Output 8 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OB8EI10-30 VDC Isolated Electronically Fused Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OC830-60 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OC8K30-60 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OF4Analog Output - Current/Voltage 4 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF8Analog Output - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF8HAnalog Output HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF8HKAnalog Output HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OF8IAnalog Output Module, 8 Isolated Points, Current and Voltage (36 Pin)
1756-OF8IHIsolated Analog Output Module - 8-Channel HART
1756-OF8IKAnalog Output Module, 8 Isolated Points, Current and Voltage (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OF8KAnalog Output - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OG160-5 VDC TTL Output (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OG16K0-5 VDC TTL Output (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OH8I90-146 VDC Isolated 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-ON810-30 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-ON8K10-30 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-OV16E10-30 VDC Electronically Fused Sinking Output 16 Pt (20 Pin)
1756-OV32E10-30 VDC Electronically Fused Sinking Output 32 Pt (36 Pin)
1756-OW16IN.O. Isolated Relay Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OW16IKN.O. Isolated Relay Output 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-OX8IN.O./N.C. Isolated Relay Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-PA72ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Power Supply (10 Amp @ 5V)
1756-PA72KConformally coated 1756 power supply 85-265 VAC Power Supply (5V @ 10 Amp) Input Voltage:120V AC;240V AC Power 75.00 W 10.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V
1756-PA75ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V)
1756-PA75KConformally coated 1756 power supply 85-265V AC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:120V AC;240V AC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V
1756-PA75RControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Redundant Power Supply
1756-PB72ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Power Supply (10 Amp @ 5V)
1756-PB72KConformally coated 1756 power supply 19.2 - 32 VDC Power Supply (5V @ 10 Amp) Input Voltage:24V DC Power 75.00 W 10.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V
1756-PB75ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V)
1756-PB75KConformally coated 1756 power supply 19.2 - 32V DC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:24V DC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V
1756-PB75RControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Redundant Power Supply
1756-PBXT19.2 - 32V DC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp), Logix XT
1756-PC7530-60 VDC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V)
1756-PH7590-143 VDC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V)
1756-PLSProgrammable Limit Switch Module (3-20 Pin)
1756-PSCA2Redundant Power Supply Chassis Adapter Module
1756-RIOControlLogix RIO Scanner/Adaptor Module
1756-RM2Redundancy Module
1756-RM2KConformally Coated Redundancy Module
1756-RM2XTRedundancy Module, Logix XT
1756-RMC1Fiber Cable, 1 Meter
1756-RMC10Fiber Cable, 10 Meter
1756-RMC3Fiber Cable, 3 Meter
1756-SYNCHControlLogix Synchlink Module
1756-TBCH36 Pin Screw Clamp Block With Standard Housing
1756-TBCHS36 Pin Screw Terminal Block,ControlLogix with Low Profile Housing, Red
1756-TBEExtended Depth Terminal Block Housing
1756-TBESTerminal Block Housing, ControlLogix, Extended Depth, Red
1756-TBNH20 Position NEMA Screw Clamp Block
1756-TBNHS20 Pin Screw Terminal Block,ControlLogix with Low Profile Housing, Red
1756-TBS6H36 Pin Spring Clamp Block With Standard Housing
1756-TBS6HS36 Pin Spring-Clamp Terminal Block,ControlLogix with Low Profile Housing, Red
1756-TBSH20 Pin Spring Clamp Block With Standard Housing
1756-TBSHS20 Pin Spring-Clamp,Terminal Block, ControlLogix with Low Profile Housing, Red
1784-CF128Logic 556x Industrial Compactflash Card 128Mb
1756-N2XTSlot Filler module for ControlLogix-XT chassis
9300-USBCBL-ABHR2USB Programming Cable, with High Retention A and B style connectors, 2 Meters
9300-USBCBL-PM02Serial cable with built-in USB adapter
9300-USBCBL-CP3Serial cable with built-in USB adapter
9300-USBCBL-CNSLConsole cable for Stratix switches with built-in USB adapter
1756-CNBKControlNet Bridge Module (40-48 connections) - Conformally Coated
1756-ESMNRML7x Energy Storage Module Non Removable
1756-TIMEControlLogix Position and Time Sevices
1756-L72EROMArmor ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 4 MB Memory, Dual EtherNet/IP Ports, USB Ports, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display, IP67
1756-L72EROMSArmor GuardLogix, Safety Controller, Memory 4MB/2MB, Dual EtherNet/IP, IP67.
1756-L73EROMArmor ControlLogix 5570 Controller with 8MB Memory, Dual EtherNet/IP Ports, USB Ports, 4 Character Alpha/Numeric Display, IP67
1756-L73EROMSArmor GuardLogix, Safety Controller, Memory 8MB/4MB, Dual EtherNet/IP, IP67
1756-IRT8IRTD / Ohms / Thermocouple / mV Input Module, 8 Individually Configurable Isolated Points (36 Pin)
1756-PA30XTControlLogix XT, Power Supply, 85-265VAC Input, 6 Amp at 5V DC Output
1756-PA50ControlLogix, 85-265V AC Input Power Supply, 8 Amp at 5V DC Output
1756-PA75RKConformally coated 1756 redundant power supply 85-265V AC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:120V AC;240V AC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V
1756-PB30XTControlLogix XT, Power Supply, 18-32V DC Input, 8 Amp at 5V DC Output
1756-PB50ControlLogix, Power Supply, 18-32V DC Input, 8 Amp at 5V DC Output
1756-PB75RKConformally coated 1756 redundant power supply 19.2 - 32V DC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:24V DC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V
1756-PSCA2KConformally coated redundant power supply chassis adapter module. Qty-1.
1756-PAR2KControlLogix Power Supply Bundle,ControlLogix,AC,85-265V AC Input,2 Redundant Supplies,With 2 Cables and Chassis Adaptor, Conformally Coated
1756-PBR2KControlLogix Power Supply Bundle, 19-32V DC Input, 5V at 13 A Output, 2 Redundant Supplies,with 2 Cables and Chassis Adaptor, Conformally Coated
1756-ESMCAPKControlLogix Energy Storage Module-Capacitor - Conformally Coated
1756-ESMNSEKControlLogix XT Energy Storage Module-No Stored Energy - Conformally Coated
1756-CN2RKControlNet Redundant Interface Module (100 connections) - Conformally Coated
1756-IF16KAnalog Input - Current/Voltage 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated
1756-IRT8IKRTD / Ohms / Thermocouple / mV Input Module, 8 Individually Configurable Isolated Points (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated
1756-CPR2U1756-CPR2U (UP) Redundant Power Supply Cable
1756-CPR2D1756-CPR2D (DOWN) Redundant Power Supply Cable
1756-PAXTRControlLogix Extended Temperature 85-265VAC Redundant Power Supply
1756-PBXTRControlLogix Extended Temperature 19-32 VDC Redundant Power Supply
1756-PSCA2XTControlLogix Extended Temperature Redundant Power Supply Chassis Adapter, -25C to 70C
1756-PAR2ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Redundant Power Supply Assembly
1756-PBR2ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Redundant Power Supply Assembly
1756-IF8IHKIsolated Analog Input Module - 8-Channel HART - Conformally Coated
1756-OF8IHKIsolated Analog Output Module - 8-Channel HART - Conformally Coated