Honeywell FC-PSU-UNI2450U promotion price,quick to snap up
Honeywell 51405046-175 , 51199929-100 , FC-PSU-UNI2450U in stock , it is our promotion season , have a surprize for you .

Honeywell has made several advancements to the SMS Power Supply based on observations from the field. The design and manufacturing techniques have been altered to increase the
ability to withstand dust build up across the High Voltage circuit.These modifications make the unit more robust against adverseenvironmental conditions which can lead to failure.
The above changes have been incorporated into PSU version 2.1. This version has been in production since August 2012 and the results in the field prove these enhancements are performing
as intended and will increase the overall lifespan of the PSU.This reduces the risk of failure and unplanned downtime adding additional stability to your Safety System
Honeywell 51405046-175 , 51199929-100 , FC-PSU-UNI2450U
Honeywell 51405046-175 , 51199929-100 , FC-PSU-UNI2450U
Need more production information for Honeywell 51405046-175 , 51199929-100 , FC-PSU-UNI2450U ,please contact me here.
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