Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Ultrasonic measurement
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Stock product Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter for Ultrasonic measurement.

Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter product introduction.
Prosonic FMU90 separated version with field housing or top hat rail housing for control cabinet instrumentation are suited for continuous, non-contact level measurement of fluids, pastes, sludge and powdery to coarse bulk solids. Also the flow measurement in open channels and weirs is possible as the simultaneous measurement of level and flow in a storm water overflow basin with only 1 sensor. Up to 6 relays for tendency alarm, flow pulse output or backwater/sludge alarm, 1 or 2 channel version.
Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter product specification.

Other related product for Endress hauser Level measurement.
If you're interested in our Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter product, please feel free to contact me here.
Contact details
Mobile :86-13545206420(Whatapp&Wechat is available)
E-mail:Diana@hkxytech.com Or Cc:Dianatian118@gmail.com
Stock product Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter for Ultrasonic measurement.

Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter product introduction.
Prosonic FMU90 separated version with field housing or top hat rail housing for control cabinet instrumentation are suited for continuous, non-contact level measurement of fluids, pastes, sludge and powdery to coarse bulk solids. Also the flow measurement in open channels and weirs is possible as the simultaneous measurement of level and flow in a storm water overflow basin with only 1 sensor. Up to 6 relays for tendency alarm, flow pulse output or backwater/sludge alarm, 1 or 2 channel version.
Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter product specification.

Other related product for Endress hauser Level measurement.
Endress hauser Level
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If you're interested in our Endress hauser FMU90-R11CA111AA3A Transmitter product, please feel free to contact me here.
Contact details
Mobile :86-13545206420(Whatapp&Wechat is available)
E-mail:Diana@hkxytech.com Or Cc:Dianatian118@gmail.com