Good quality MTL662-NA loop-powered indicators products for sale.
Good quality MTL662-NA loop-powered indicators products for sale here. Eaton MTL original MTL662-NA in stock for you.

If you're interested in our MTL661 or MTL662 loop-powered indicators, you can feel free to contact me here.
The MTL661-NA (field mounting) and the MTL662-NA (panel mounting) are 4-20mA, loop-powered indicators for Zone 2 hazardous area operation. The small voltage drop of <1V allows the loop powered display to be installed in almost any 4–20mA loop.
Configuration is carried out using the front panel switches (which can be password protected). Range units, upper and lower limits, decimal point positioning and number of digits displayed are all configured via the front panel.

If you're interested in our MTL661 or MTL662 loop-powered indicators, you can feel free to contact me here.