Product overview
ABB 266RST Absolute pressure transmitter DP-Style for sale with good price!
ABB 266RST Absolute pressure transmitter DP-Style product overview.
ABB 266RST Absolute pressure transmitter DP-Style product data.
If you need more information for ABB 266RST Absolute pressure transmitter DP-Style product, please feel free to send me an inquiry here.
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ABB 266RST Absolute pressure transmitter DP-Style for sale with good price!
Model 266RST is an absolute pressure transmitter manufactured in DP Style. It is suitable for measuring liquid, gas or steam pressure. The long-term stability and its proven reliability make of 266RST the best application solution for absolute pressure measurements.

ABB 266RST Absolute pressure transmitter DP-Style product overview.
In addition to the plug-in terminal block, this transmitter features in-field replaceable electronics module that thanks to the auto-configuration functionality dramatically improves plant productivity. Its intuitive plug-and-play display with easy setup procedure really helps users by saving time and lowering maintenance and inventory costs. Moreover, the innovative TTG (Through The Glass) technology allows users to configure the instruments in the field without removing the windowed front cover and consequently to save a lot of time.
The 266RST is certified by TUV NORD for use in safety instrumented systems as per the requirements of IEC61508. The transmitters meet the requirements for SIL2 applications in a single transmitter configuration (1oo1) and for SIL3 applications in a redundant configuration (1oo2).
Base accuracy : ± 0.04 %
Span limits: 2 ...2000 kPa abs.; 15 mmHG ... 290 psia
Output signal: Multiple protocol availability offering interchangeability and transmitter upgrade capabilities
– 4 to 20 mA, HART
– FOUNDATION Fieldbus ITK 5.1
Local operation with LCD with TTG (Through The Glass) technology without the need of opening the housing
Conforms to SIL2 / SIL3 acc. to IEC 61508
Full compliance with PED Category III
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Contact details
Mobile :86-13545206420(Whatapp&Wechat is available)
Fax:86-027-85309780 Or