Product overview
ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter for sale now, 100% ABB original products.

ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter product overview
ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter product data.
For more information about ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter, please feel free to contact me here.
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ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter for sale now, 100% ABB original products.
Sensyflow FMT400-VTS is a robust and variable designed flowmeter for direct mass flow measurement of gases and gas mixtures with known composition as process engineering version.
Sensyflow FMT400-VTCS is the hygienic version for the food and beverage industry and pharmaceuticals. It is suitable for CIP and SIP applications.

ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter product overview
The devices of the Sensyflow FMT400-series operate according to the thermal measuring principle of a hot film anemometer. This measuring method determines the gas mass flow directly. Taking the standard density of the gases into consideration, the standard volume flow rate can be displayed without additional pressure and temperature compensation.
The measuring systems of the FMT400 series are made up of a transmitter, flowmeter sensor and a pipe component. The transmitter directly delivers an electrically isolated 0/4 to 20 mA output signal.
The flowmeter sensor is designed as flange-mounted and is installed in the pipe component in a defined way. It is also possible to install the flowmeter sensor in square ducts or pipes of any diameter by using a weld-on adapter.
ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter product data.
FMT400-VTS version:
Pipe component connections
– DN 25 to 200 (1 to 8 in.)
Output 0/4 to 20 mA
– directly from sensor head
ATEX, zone 2 and 22, CSA, GOST, DVGW
FMT400-VTCS version:
Pipe component connections
– DN 25 to 80 (1 to 3 in.)
Output 0/4 to 20 mA
– directly from sensor head
CIP and SIP certified (TU Weihenstephan)
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For more information about ABB Sensyflow FMT400-VTS Thermal mass flowmeter, please feel free to contact me here.
Contact details
Mobile :86-13545206420(Whatapp&Wechat is available)
Fax:86-027-85309780 Or
Mobile :86-13545206420(Whatapp&Wechat is available)
Fax:86-027-85309780 Or