Product overview
ABB AI820 Differential Analog Input Module ABB original product with good price now!

ABB AI820 Differential Analog Input Module product feature
ABB AI820 Differential Analog Input Module ABB original product with good price now!

ABB AI820 Differential Analog Input Module product feature
•4 channels for -20...+20 mA, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, -10...+10 V, 0...10 V, 2...10 V, -5...+5 V, 0...5 V, 1...5 V d.c. bipolar differential inputs.
•One group of 4 channels isolated from ground.
•14 Bit resolution plus sign.
•Input shunt resistors protected to 30 V d.c.
•The input withstand HART communication.
ABB AI820 Differential Analog Input Module product description
ABB AI820 Differential Analog Input Module product description
The AI820 Analog Input Module has 4 differential, bipolar current/voltage inputs. Each channel can be either a voltage or current input.
The current inputs can withstand an accidental maximum normal mode 30 V d.c. connection. To protect the current input circuit against dangerous input levels, that is, by accidentally connecting a 24 V source, the resistor rating of
the 250Ω current sense resistors is about 5 Watts.
This is intended only to temporarily protect one channel at a time. The module distributes the external transmitter supply to each channel. This adds a simple connection (with extended MTUs) to distribute the supply to external 2 wire transmitters. There is no current limiting on the transmitter power terminals. All 4 channels are isolated from the ModuleBus in one group. Power to the input stages is converted from the 24 V on the ModuleBus.
Other related models for ABB S800 I/O series Modules as below
AI801 Analog Input Module, 0(4)...20 mA
AI810 Analog Input Module, 0(4)...20 mA, 0(2)...10 V
AI815 Analog Input Module
AI820 Differential Analog Input Module, +/- 20 mA, +/- 10 V, +/- 5 V (4...20 mA, 2...10 V, 1...5 V)
AI825 Galvanic Isolated Analog Input Module
AI830/AI830A RTD Input Module
AI835/AI835A Thermocouple/mV Input Module
AI843 Thermocouple/mV Input Module
AI845 Analog Input Module, single or redundant
AI880/AI880A High Integrity Analog Input Module
AO801 Analog Output Module, 0(4)...20 mA
AO810/AO810V2 Analog Output Module, 0(4)...20 mA
AO815 Analog Output Module
AO820 Galvanically Isolated Bipolar Analog Output Module
AO845/AO845A Analog Output Module, Single or Redundant
DI801 Digital Input Module, 24 V, Current Sinking
DI802 Digital Input Module, 120 V a.c./d.c, Current Sinking
DI803 Digital Input Module, 230 V a.c./d.c, Current Sinking
DI810 Digital Input Module, 24 V, Current Sinking
DI811 Digital Input Module, 48 V, Current Sinking
DI814 Digital Input Module, 24 V, Current Sourcing
DI818 Digital Input Module, 24 v, Current Sinking
DI820 Digital Input Module, 120 V a.c./d.c
DI821 Digital Input Module, 230 V a.c./d.c
DI825 Digital Input Module, 125 V d.c with SOE
DI828 Digital Input Module
DI830 Digital Input Module, 24 V d.c. with SOE, Current Sinking
DI831 Digital Input Module, 48 V d.c. with SOE, Current Sinking
DI840 Digital Input Module
DI880 High Integrity Digital Input Module
DI885 Digital Input Module, 24 V /48 V d.c. with SOE, Current Sinking
DO801 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A, Current Sourcing
DO802 Digital Output Module, 24-250 V, Relay Normally Open
DO810 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A Current Sourcing
DO814 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A, Current Sinking
DO815 Digital Output Module 24 V, 2 A, Current Sourcing
DO818 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A, Current Sinking
DO820 Digital Output Module, Relay Normally Open
DO821 Digital Output Module, Relay Normally Closed
DO828 Channel Relay Output Module
DO840 Digital Output Module
DO880 High Integrity Digital Output Module
DP820 Incremental Pulse Counter Module
DP840 Incremental Pulse Counter Module
If you have any related question about ABB S800 I/O series Modules AI820, please feel free to contact me here!
Contact details
Other related models for ABB S800 I/O series Modules as below
AI801 Analog Input Module, 0(4)...20 mA
AI810 Analog Input Module, 0(4)...20 mA, 0(2)...10 V
AI815 Analog Input Module
AI820 Differential Analog Input Module, +/- 20 mA, +/- 10 V, +/- 5 V (4...20 mA, 2...10 V, 1...5 V)
AI825 Galvanic Isolated Analog Input Module
AI830/AI830A RTD Input Module
AI835/AI835A Thermocouple/mV Input Module
AI843 Thermocouple/mV Input Module
AI845 Analog Input Module, single or redundant
AI880/AI880A High Integrity Analog Input Module
AO801 Analog Output Module, 0(4)...20 mA
AO810/AO810V2 Analog Output Module, 0(4)...20 mA
AO815 Analog Output Module
AO820 Galvanically Isolated Bipolar Analog Output Module
AO845/AO845A Analog Output Module, Single or Redundant
DI801 Digital Input Module, 24 V, Current Sinking
DI802 Digital Input Module, 120 V a.c./d.c, Current Sinking
DI803 Digital Input Module, 230 V a.c./d.c, Current Sinking
DI810 Digital Input Module, 24 V, Current Sinking
DI811 Digital Input Module, 48 V, Current Sinking
DI814 Digital Input Module, 24 V, Current Sourcing
DI818 Digital Input Module, 24 v, Current Sinking
DI820 Digital Input Module, 120 V a.c./d.c
DI821 Digital Input Module, 230 V a.c./d.c
DI825 Digital Input Module, 125 V d.c with SOE
DI828 Digital Input Module
DI830 Digital Input Module, 24 V d.c. with SOE, Current Sinking
DI831 Digital Input Module, 48 V d.c. with SOE, Current Sinking
DI840 Digital Input Module
DI880 High Integrity Digital Input Module
DI885 Digital Input Module, 24 V /48 V d.c. with SOE, Current Sinking
DO801 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A, Current Sourcing
DO802 Digital Output Module, 24-250 V, Relay Normally Open
DO810 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A Current Sourcing
DO814 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A, Current Sinking
DO815 Digital Output Module 24 V, 2 A, Current Sourcing
DO818 Digital Output Module 24 V, 0.5 A, Current Sinking
DO820 Digital Output Module, Relay Normally Open
DO821 Digital Output Module, Relay Normally Closed
DO828 Channel Relay Output Module
DO840 Digital Output Module
DO880 High Integrity Digital Output Module
DP820 Incremental Pulse Counter Module
DP840 Incremental Pulse Counter Module
If you have any related question about ABB S800 I/O series Modules AI820, please feel free to contact me here!
Contact details
Mobile :86-13545206420(Whatapp&Wechat is available)